Camino Real Elementary School

Children Reaching Extraordinary Success


  • Happy Monday!
    Happy School Counselor's Week! Thank you to Heather Trupia, Dr. Veronica Cervantes, and Veronica Gonzales for all the social emotional support they kindly offer our children and families every day!

    Attached is our parent newsletter.  In the newsletter, you will find information about the upcoming Valentine's Day dance, 5th instrument selection, children's free sports fee pass, and more.

    ¡Feliz lunes!
    ¡Feliz Semana del Consejero Escolar! ¡Gracias a Heather Trupia, Dra. Verónica Cervantes y Verónica Gonzales por todo el apoyo socioemocional que amablemente ofrecen a nuestros niños y familias todos los días!

    Adjunto está nuestro boletín para padres.  En el boletín encontrará información sobre el próximo baile del Día de San Valentín, la selección del quinto instrumento, el pase gratuito para deportes para niños y más.

    Yvette Soliz, Principal


    5th Grade Fundraiser! Valentine's Day Dance 

    $2 Entry Fee

    Music, Food, Fun!

    Students must be accompanied by an adult.


    13 de febrero

    ¡Recaudación de fondos para quinto grado! Baile de San Valentin.

    Entrada $2 ¡Música, comida, diversión!

    Los estudiantes deben estar acompañados por un adulto.


    Safety Reminders:

    Please be patient during the morning drop-off. It is prohibited to pass cars to move ahead of others to drop off your children.  You must wait to move up in flow of drop off.  Our priority is student and staff safety.  We open doors at 6:50 to help with families who need to drop off their children early.  Take advantage of the early hours to avoid morning traffic.

    Thank you,

    Yvette Soliz

    Recordatorios de seguridad:
    Tenga paciencia durante el regreso por la mañana. Está prohibido adelantar a los coches para adelantarse a otros para dejar a sus hijos.  
    Debes esperar para ascender en el flujo de bajada.  Nuestra prioridad es la seguridad de los estudiantes y el personal. 
    Abrimos las puertas a las 6:50 para ayudar a las familias que necesitan dejar a sus hijos temprano. 
    Aprovecha las primeras horas para evitar el tráfico matutino. Gracias, Yvette Soliz




    Future Chefs


    meet the teacher

    Connect Your Walmart Account. Earn 50 Bonus Box Tops ($5) 



    Recent Events

    Be sure to check our Facebook Page for more photos and information!

    Click here to view composite photos of recent events. 

    Multicultural Night - May 2024 

    Multiculturial Night

    Traveling Chef with 3rd & 4th Graders - May 2024

    Traveling Chef

    5th Grade Field Day - May 2024

    5th Grade Field Day



    Click here to download important document regarding Special Education Services/Oprime aquí para descargar el documento

    Clothes Closet

    Hays CISD Clothes Closet/Armario de Hays CISD


  •  CRES Market

    Roadrunner Market

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  •  CRES Donors/Support

    Donor Appreciation 2023 - 2024

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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  • Online Student Registration!

    Student Registration 2023-2024: Online registration for the 2023-2024 school year opened April 27 for all new and returning students. Click headline for more information.

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  • Free & Reduced Meal Application

    Applications for free or reduced price meals will be mailed out to all families each year. A self-addressed, stamped envelope will be provided for the return of the application form. You may also complete the application online in English or Spanish! Click headline to access additional information & the online application.

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  • Graphic - school supplies

    More Supplies!

    Once again, our friend Drey Lord came through for us by collecting donations and purchasing much-needed items for our school. Through his efforts, loads of cleaning wipes, pencils, tissues, plastic baggies, and other school supplies were given to CRES. Thank you to donors from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts and Amy Lord Homes–Fathom Realty.

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  • Graphic - chalkboard with www

    Welcome to our website!

    Please send questions or comments to

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  •  G and TC McCormick

    Remembering Geraldine McCormick

    Hays CISD is remembering the remarkable life of Jerry McCormick who was the spouse of Dr. T. C. McCormick, namesake of McCormick Middle School. Jerry was a blessing to our school district family and the history of our community for 101 years! She was an absolute pleasure to know and will be greatly missed. Click headline above or "Read More" for additional information.

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  •  Musical Instruments

    Music Instrument Selection “Open House” for Incoming 6th Graders Fall 2025 - Feb. 8, 2025

    Music Instrument Selection “Open House” Incoming 6th Graders Fall 2025 Instrument selection for district-wide beginning Band, Orchestra, and Mariachi - Saturday, February 8, 2025 Go to the middle school in your attendance zone to learn about the music instrument elective choices in Band, Orchestra, and Mariachi* in 6th grade!    Try instruments, speak to directors, and get more information about signing up! Note: Some instruments may have limited enrollment! Click headline above or "Read More" for details about selection times.

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  •  Rezilient Kidz logo

    Spring 2025 Reziliant Kidz: Raising Highly Capable Kids * Hijos Altamente Capaces - Classes for Parents * Clases para padres

    WEEKLY SESSIONS BEGINNING IN JANUARY 2025. Sessions provided in English & Espanol: Raising Highly Capable Kids is a proven 13-week course created to help build stronger families by giving parents the confidence, tools, and skills needed to raise healthy, caring and responsible kids.  Parents may enroll at any time during the course. Childcare is provided. Hijos Altamente Capaces es un curso de 13 semanas que ha demostrado efectividad para ayudar a construir familias mas fuertes proporcionado confianza, herramientas y capacidades que los padres necesitan para criar hijos saludables, responsables y atentos. La inscripción está abierta, únete cualquier semana. Cuidado de ninos proporcionado. Click headline or "Read More" for additional details and to register.

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  • Navigate Your Future: Middle School Edition – with a focus on rising 9th graders

    Navigate Your Future: Middle School Edition – with a focus on rising 9th graders. Tuesday January 7, 2025 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Performing Arts Center, 979 Kohler’s Crossing, Kyle, TX. 6:00 – 7:20 PM General Sessions (Auditorium). 7:25 – 8:00 PM Breakout Sessions. Click headline or “Read More” for additional details.

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  • ClassLink: Single Sign-on

    SMART Tag




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