BMS Newsletter
5th Grade Parent Night
5th Grade Presentation
Course Selection Video
Course Selection Guide
Course Selection Guide SPA
Community Action Inc. Information
Community Action Inc. Information: Hays CISD has a direct partnership with Community Action Inc. which offers a variety of educational programs and services to our Hays CISD parents and community, and they're all FREE!! English as Second Language and GED Classes. GED can be taught in English or Spanish. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) Classes Informacion sobre Community Action Inc. Hays CISD tiene una asociación directa con Community Action Inc. que ofrece una variedad de programas y servicios educativos a nuestros padres y comunidad de Hays CISD, y todos son GRATIS! Clases de ESL (Ingles como segunda lengua) y GED (Diploma de educacion general) puede impartirse en ingles o espanol. Los clases de Calefaccion, ventilación y aire acondicionado (HVAC), y certificado de asistente de enfermería(CNA) requiere habilidades intermedias de inglés.
Remembering Geraldine McCormick
Hays CISD is remembering the remarkable life of Jerry McCormick who was the spouse of Dr. T. C. McCormick, namesake of McCormick Middle School. Jerry was a blessing to our school district family and the history of our community for 101 years! She was an absolute pleasure to know and will be greatly missed. Click headline above or "Read More" for additional information.
Music Instrument Selection “Open House” for Incoming 6th Graders Fall 2025 - Feb. 8, 2025
Music Instrument Selection “Open House” Incoming 6th Graders Fall 2025 Instrument selection for district-wide beginning Band, Orchestra, and Mariachi - Saturday, February 8, 2025 Go to the middle school in your attendance zone to learn about the music instrument elective choices in Band, Orchestra, and Mariachi* in 6th grade! Try instruments, speak to directors, and get more information about signing up! Note: Some instruments may have limited enrollment! Click headline above or "Read More" for details about selection times.
Spring 2025 Reziliant Kidz: Raising Highly Capable Kids * Hijos Altamente Capaces - Classes for Parents * Clases para padres
WEEKLY SESSIONS BEGINNING IN JANUARY 2025. Sessions provided in English & Espanol: Raising Highly Capable Kids is a proven 13-week course created to help build stronger families by giving parents the confidence, tools, and skills needed to raise healthy, caring and responsible kids. Parents may enroll at any time during the course. Childcare is provided. Hijos Altamente Capaces es un curso de 13 semanas que ha demostrado efectividad para ayudar a construir familias mas fuertes proporcionado confianza, herramientas y capacidades que los padres necesitan para criar hijos saludables, responsables y atentos. La inscripción está abierta, únete cualquier semana. Cuidado de ninos proporcionado. Click headline or "Read More" for additional details and to register.
Navigate Your Future: Middle School Edition – with a focus on rising 9th graders
Navigate Your Future: Middle School Edition – with a focus on rising 9th graders. Tuesday January 7, 2025 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Performing Arts Center, 979 Kohler’s Crossing, Kyle, TX. 6:00 – 7:20 PM General Sessions (Auditorium). 7:25 – 8:00 PM Breakout Sessions. Click headline or “Read More” for additional details.
Sports Schedules

14 Days of Jolliness