Google Classroom
Google Classroom (GC) is the primary resource for students and parents to find current content resources, homework, absent work, notes, etc. ALL students should sign up for the Google Classroom for their course and check it frequently.
Google Classroom: Student setup instructions for access to my course pages:
- Go to the website and sign in using your LHS Gmail account
- Click on the + (plus) symbol in the corner to add my class to your account
- Enter ONE of the codes below for the correct course and class period
- If you change class periods, you will need to unenroll in that period's GC and re-enroll in the new periods class
• Anatomy 1st Period Code: xfte95
• Anatomy 2nd Period Code: pbocgc
• Anatomy 5th Period Code: fvlska2
• Anatomy 7th Period Code: f6rut54
• AP Environmental Science 3rd Period Code: 6u5jv8q
• AP Environmental Science 4th Period Code: 0nb4bpx