Hays CISD RankOne Online Paperwork
The Hays CISD athletic department would like to thank you for taking part in our new process of accepting the required athletic participation paperwork online and electronically.
Please read all of the directions before completing the electronic forms.
1. An athletic physical must be completed annually for participation in athletics and certain physical activity related extracurricular activities in Hays CISD. All physicals must be dated after April 1st of the previous school year to be valid. The physical and health history forms must be filled out by a physician and returned to your campus for review by the athletic trainers. THESE FORMS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION. For your convenience, physical and medical history forms are available at each secondary school.
2. To access additional required athletic participation forms for Hays CISD, hold your cursor over the “Electronic Participation Forms” tab. You will get a drop down list of all required forms for participation.
3. To submit forms online, you will be asked to provide information such as home phone numbers, cell phone numbers, email addresses, name of primary physician, insurance policy information and other pertinent information. Please make sure you have this with you when filling out your forms electronically. If you do not know the answer to a question, please answer the question with “n/a”, or “none”.
4. Remember that to submit online, you and your child must fill out and sign in all required spaces. Forms will not be accepted electronically without everything filled out by the student athlete and you the parent/guardian.
5. The complete legal name of the student and student ID number is required to complete each form. Please make sure you have the student ID before attempting to complete any of the electronic forms. If the student has a hyphenated last name, the name will need to be submitted as it is listed upon enrollment with the school.
6. To begin, click on the form name and fill out the information requested. All forms are required for participation.
7. To sign the document, click inside the signature box and hold your mouse down, this will allow you to create an “Electronic Signature.” If you make a mistake and need to start over, click on the refresh icon next to the signature box and the box will clear. If you are using an IPAD or touch screen tablet, you may create an electronic signature, by holding your finger to the screen and signing your name or by using a stylus. Please do not initial the forms; a full signature is required for participation.
8. Once you have filled out all of the information on each page you will have the opportunity to print the document. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to enter an email address to receive an electronic copy of the form.
9. You will receive a confirmation email once the document(s) have been reviewed by the athletic trainers.