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- Grading Guidelines (P-S Handbook)
- Handbook (Parent-Student)
- Hope2Go
- Parent Self-Serve Portal
- Parent-Student Handbook
- Plan de Protección para Dispositivos
- Registration (Student Registration)
- Report Bullying
- Schoology (PARENT login)
- Schoology (PARENT Resources)
- Stay Connected
- Student Code of Conduct
- Student Handbook
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- Student Programs
- Student Registration
- Student Self-Serve Portal
- Student Services
- Substance Abuse Resources
- Summer School
- Technology Device Protection Plan
- Technology Device Protection Plan (Espanol)
- Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPs)
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- A to Z
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- Area 1 Campuses
- Area 2 Campuses
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- Area 4 Campuses
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- Assessment Calendar
- Athletics (Hays CISD)
- Attendance Offices
- Attendance Zones
- Back-to-School Information
- Bad Weather
- Bell Schedules
- Bids & Contracts
- Bilingual Services
- Blackboard/ParentLink Notifications
- Board Meetings
- Board of Trustees
- Bond Oversight Committee
- Bond Projects
- Booster Clubs
- Box Office
- Budget
- Bullying
- Bus Information Hotline
- Calendar (Academic)
- Campus Improvement Plans (CIPs)
- Campus Leadership Teams (CLT)
- Campuses
- Child Nutrition
- Class Rank
- ClassLink Login
- Classroom Observation
- Clothes Closet
- Code of Conduct - Student
- College & Career
- Communication Guide (English)
- Communication Guide (Spanish)
- Community Action - FREE Classes
- Community Partnerships
- Community Resources
- Compensation Plan (Salary/Pay Scales)
- Contact Us
- Content Resources
- Counseling Resources
- Counseling Staff
- Course Guide (6th Grade)
- Course Guide (7th & 8th Grades)
- Course Guide (High School)
- Course Guide (Online Courses)
- Crime Stoppers
- Custodial Handbook and Procedures
- Data Scorecard
- Department Directory
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
- District at a Glance
- District Improvement Plan
- District Leadership Team (DLT)
- District of Innovation
- Diversity Advisory Council
- Dress Code - Student
- Dyslexia Services
- Early Childhood Programs
- Early Learning Centers (ELCs)
- Educator Profile
- Elections
- Employee Handbook
- Employee Self Service Portal (ESS)
- Employment/Job Opportunities
- Event Calendar
- Extracurricular Code of Conduct
- Facilities Handbook & Procedures
- Facility Rentals
- Facility Use Application
- Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Federal Programs & Grants
- Financial Transparency
- Fine Arts
- Flyers (Approved)
- Flyers - Approval Request Form
- Foster Care & Homelessness
- Fraud Reporting Hotline
- Free & Reduced Meal Application
- Gifted & Talented Services (G/T)
- GPA Calculation
- Grading Guidelines
- Graduation
- Grievance Process
- Guest Teachers (Substitutes)
- Handbook (Employee)
- Handbook (Parent-Student)
- Hays High Five
- Hays Hopeline
- Health Services
- Help Desk (Technology)
- Hey Hays?!
- Homebound Education (General)
- Homelessness & Foster Care
- Hope2Go
- Immunizations
- Inclement Weather
- Informational Flyers
- iWatch Texas (Threat Reporting)
- Job Opportunities
- Learner Profile
- Library Media Center(s)
- Loan Forgiveness (Staff)
- Manual para Padres y Estudiantes
- Map of Campuses - Printable
- Map of the District
- McKinney-Vento Homelessness Assistance Act
- Mental Health Resources
- Mentor Information
- Menus
- MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support)
- Multilingual Services
- Munis (requires staff sign in)
- National Motto
- Navigate Your Future Guide
- New Staff (Technology Account)
- Notification System - Blackboard/ParentLink
- Nurses
- Online Payments (Student Meal Plans)
- Online Payments (Web Store - RevTrak)
- Open Records Requests
- Parent & Family Engagement Policy
- Parent Self-Serve Portal (PSS)
- Parent-Student Handbook
- ParentLink/Blackboard Notifications
- Password Reset Portal
- Pay Scales (Salary/Compensation Plan)
- Pay Student Meal Accounts Online
- Performing Arts Center (PAC)
- Photos (SmugMug)
- Plan de Protección para Dispositivos
- Policies
- Pre-K Programs
- Pre-K Tuition Based (Hays CISD Staff ONLY)
- Print Shop
- Procurements/Bids
- Professional Development
- Public Information Requests
- Registration (Kindergarten)
- Registration (Pre-K)
- Registration (Student Registration)
- Report Card/Progress Report Dates (Elementary)
- Report Card/Progress Report Dates (Secondary)
- RevTrak (Web Store)
- Safety & Security
- Salary (Pay Scales/Compensation Plan)
- Saturn V
- School Calendar
- School Closure (for weather)
- School Supplies
- SchooLinks
- Schoology (PARENT login)
- Schoology (PARENT Resources)
- Section 504
- SEL (Social Emotional Learning)
- Service Record Request
- SHAC (Student Health Advisory Council)
- Shelton Stadium
- SmugMug (Photos)
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
- Special Education Services
- SRP (Standard Response Protocol) Posters
- SRP (Standard Response Protocol) Videos
- STAAR Information
- Staff Directory
- Staff Resources (requires sign in)
- Staff Sign-In Instructions
- Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
- Stay Connected
- Student Code of Conduct
- Student Handbook
- Student Health Services
- Student Self-Serve Portal (SSS)
- Student Teaching
- Student Transfers
- Substance Abuse Resources
- Substitutes (Guest Teachers)
- Summer at Hays CISD
- Summer Reading
- Summer School (ES)
- Summer School (HS)
- Summer School (MS)
- Superintendent
- Survey Results
- Tabulations (Bids & Contracts)
- Tax Statement
- Technology Device Protection Plan
- Technology Device Protection Plan (Espanol)
- Testing Accommodations: CollegeBoard/SAT/ACT
- Ticketing Box Office
- TimeClock Plus (clock in & clock out)
- TimeClock Plus Manager (Admin)
- Title IX
- Title VI
- Transcript Requests (HS)
- Translation Services
- Transportation
- Trustee TV
- Utility Usage Reports
- Vendor Resources
- Vendor Self Service Portal (VSS)
- Verification of Employment [Staff]
- Verification of Enrollment Forms (VOE) [Students]
- Volunteer Hours (Students)
- Volunteers In Public Schools (VIPs)
- Web Store (RevTrak)
- WELL Clinic
- Work Calendars (requires staff sign-in)
- Workers' Compensation
- Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS) Survey
- Calendar