Curriculum & Instruction Division
The division of curriculum and instruction provides a wide range of instructional and support services to the schools within the Hays Consolidated Independent School District. The district curriculum is based upon the required Texas curriculum which is called the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The state curriculum lacks sufficient specificity for daily classroom instruction. Therefore, one major role of the division is to provide a viable written curriculum that is aligned with the state standards and provides the rigor and details for teachers to effectively deliver instruction to students.
Department Mission
The department's mission is to provide a world-class, future-ready education to every student in Hays CISD. We accomplish that mission by providing a viable written curriculum along with significant support services to campuses in order to meet the needs of each student.
Listed to the left are the specific services provided by the Division of Curriculum & Instruction. By clicking on the buttons you will find more information about that particular area of service provided.
Grading Guidelines
Hays CISD has constructed its grading guidelines based upon key principles from the concept of mastery learning. Mastery learning, in its most simple definition, means students master the skills and concepts which they are taught in the classroom. Teachers drive this mastery by first providing high-quality instruction. Then, teachers give students frequent and specific feedback to improve understanding. If necessary, teachers re-teach material.
Hays CISD grading guidelines acknowledge the importance of mastering skills and concepts by allowing students who do not perform well on certain assignments or tests an opportunity to redo the work. Specific rules apply in these situations.
Student grades must reflect the student's mastery of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and Student Expectations and local curriculum requirements. The district seeks to provide each student with a challenging and appropriate educational program. We can best achieve this goal by recognizing that individual students, through their varied learning styles, respond to different instructional approaches and require varied periods of time in which to master concepts and essential knowledge and skills. This philosophy is applied to an integrated program of developmental skills, PreK-12, as well as to a rigorous post-graduation preparatory curriculum. In this way, every student will be provided an optimal opportunity for academic development and success.
The Hays CISD grading guidelines may be found in your local campus handbook.
Public Notification of Non-Discrimination
It is the policy of the Hays CISD Schools not to discriminate on the basis of sex, handicap, race, color, or national origin in its education programs, activities or employment as required by Title IX, Section 504, Title VI and ADA. Hays CISD will take steps to insure that a lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in all educational programs.
For information about your rights or grievance procedures contact the 504 Coordinator, Debbie Brown, or Title IX, Title VI, ADA Coordinator, Chief Human Resources Officer, at 21003 IH 35, Kyle, Texas 78640 (512) 268-2141.
Access to Records
The principal is the custodian of records for all students in the assigned school. The superintendent is the custodian of records for students who have withdrawn or graduated. Public law 93-380 provides for protection of the rights and privacy of parents and students. The Hays CISD will abide by the provisions of this act by making available to parents (or eligible student) the official records and files included in his/her cumulative record folder as provided by the law. Hays CISD will not release personally identifiable records or files of students without the permission of appropriate persons except as provided in the law.

Mary Noble
Deputy Academic Officer Area 1
Area 1 CampusesDr. Michael Watson
Deputy Academic Officer Area 2
512.268.2141 ext. 45098
Area 2 CampusesJesus Gomez
Deputy Academic Officer Area 3
512.268.2141 ext. 45101
Area 3 CampusesDavid Pierce
Deputy Academic Officer Area 4
512.268.2141 ext. 45082
Area 4 Campuses