Guidance & Counseling
The mission of the Guidance, Counseling, and College Readiness Department is to deliver a comprehensive, developmental guidance and counseling program for students in PreK-12. This program is designed to foster student success by focusing on academic achievement, prevention and intervention strategies, advocacy, and the social, emotional, and career development of each and every student. Integrated into the Hays CISD academic curriculum, we seek to prioritize the individual needs of each and every student by focusing on the following key strands:
- Self-knowledge and acceptance
- Interpersonal and communication skills
- Responsible behavior
- Conflict resolution
- Decision making/problem solving
- Motivation to achieve
- Goal setting
- Career planning
Throughout the school day, students can access their counselor(s) by completing a request online or directly through their School’s Counseling Office to visit with their counselor and/or asking their teacher if they can provide them with a pass to visit their counselor.
Parents and Guardians: we also encourage you to make an appointment with your student's counselor to review the guidance curriculum, review your student’s Graduation Plan and discuss what you can do together to create the most successful educational experience possible.
Use the links on the left for more information on the counseling model used in Hays CISD, the district's character education program, answers to a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) including how College/Career Readiness is determined, and resource links to important websites for career and college preparation.
Department Staff Contacts

Maritza Gonzalez
Director of Guidance, College & Career Readiness
Credentials: Teaching Secondary, Counseling and Principal
(512) 268-2141 X45020
Kara Montiel
Secretary - C&I
(512) 268-2141 X45032
LindaRae Johnson,
Mental Health Professional/ Parent Success Center Lead
*Coordinates Services at the Family Success Center, MH Alerts Lead & Contact for Staff Training through Hill Country-MHDD
(512) 268-2141 ext. 45160
Rachel Maldonado, LMSW
District Mental Health Professional
*University Interns Lead & TMHFA
(512) 268-2141 ext. 45178
Rena Bertelson, LMSW
District Mental Health Professional
*NPFH Lead, Volunteer Hours Contact & MH Newsletter
(512) 268-2141 ext. 45171
Kaylynn Schrandt, LCSW
District Mental Health Professional
*Animal Assisted Therapy Liaison and Mentoring Lead
(512) 268-2141 ext. 46086
In PARTNERSHIP with Master's Level INTERNS from:
*The Graduate School of Social Work from the University of Texas, Austin, Texas State University, School of Social Work and St. Edward’s University.
*Also partnering with the St. Edward’s University -Community Counseling Clinic to provide counseling services for our students and families.