Taylor Posey, BSN, RN
Welcome Cub Families!
I am Nurse Taylor, your child's school nurse. I have been a registered nurse for 5 years, with this being my 2nd year of school nursing. Before working in a school setting, I worked in surgery, specializing in cardiovascular surgery.
My boyfriend and I have two Australian Sheppards, Jack (12) and Maizy (4). In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family, friends, and fur babies, traveling, watching my nieces/nephew at all of their events, crossfit, and being outside.
I can't wait to get to know everyone this year! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
~ Nurse Taylor
News from the Nurse
- Medication reminder: If a student requires medication at school, please have a medical authorization completed and signed by parent and physician. Medication Authorizations can be found here:
10 Day Medication Authorization Form
2024-2025 School Year Medication Authorization
Please do not send medications in the students’ pockets or belongings for them to take later. Medications must be kept in the nurse's office. Any medications at school needed longer than 10 days needs parent and physician authorization, must be unexpired, and must come with their original prescription label. Short term medication, for less than 10 days, need parent authorization and we must follow labeled instructions.
- All students with asthma, severe allergies, and those who have seizures will need an updated asthma action plan, seizure action plan, and/or allergy action plan from their physician for this school year. If your student has seizures, we will also need the seizure questionnaire form to be filled out. Please use the links below to find these forms:
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan
- If you student requires enteral feedings please fill out the forms below and return to the school nurse:
Enteral Feeding Emergency Form
- Health screenings are required by Texas state law. Each year we have school wide vision and hearing screenings for PreK, Kinder, 1st, 3rd, 5th as well as students that need a screen for other reasons. We also screen for Acanthosis Nigricans in 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade. In the fall, we screen for Scoliosis in 5th grade girls. Please email me if you have questions or if your child loses/breaks their glasses and you need help getting a new exam/pair.
- If you need medical insurance, food, transportation assistance please check out https://www.findhelp.org/
- Students with no insurance but needing medical care can be seen by Lirios Pediatrics on South congress in Austin. Follow the link for more information https://www.liriospediatrics.org/
- Use the links to the left for any further information. IMPORTANT INFORMATION
- TOILETING: I have limited clothes available and sometimes run out. Please leave a complete change of clothes in your childs backpack and replace the items as needed. I ask that you wash and return the clothes that the school provides for your child - keep the underwear.