• Counselor Support

    School counselors are available to support student’s mental and emotional health.  Please reach out to a counselor, if your student is feeling sad, anxious, frustrated or if they are having issues at home, with friends or school.  Even if you are not sure but need some guidance, counselors are here to help!

    How to set up a meeting with a counselor:

    Students can ask their teacher to go to the Student Center or just stop by during lunch or PIE and complete a request form. Parents can email or call to request a meeting.


    Counselor and more SEL resources can be found here.

    Contact Information: 

    Mrs. Leinen, 6th Grade & 7th Grade A-J

    Mrs. Schuchart, 7th Grade K-Z & 8th Grade 

    Email: jessica.leinen@hayscisd.net

    Email: michelle.schuchart@hayscisd.net