Gifted & Talented (G/T) Services

Campus Message

  • Hello Hawk Families, 

    My name is Maurisa Carlin, and I am the Gifted and Talented Liaison for Hemphill Elementary. I will send out a campus newsletter in November highlighting student work and will provide other important information. I look forward to a great year! If you have questions, please let me know. Thank you. 

    Mrs. Carlin G/T Liaison, Intervention Teacher


    Click here to view our Spring 2023 Newsletter!


    Click here to view our Fall 2023 Newsletter!


    Our G/T Spotlight Award Recipient for the 2023-2024 school year is Ms. Hotchkiss!  

    • Ms. Hotchkiss does an amazing job of providing enrichment to her G/T students! Students have a portfolio of all the projects they have worked on throughout the year. Ms. Hotchkiss also incorporates District created resources in her stations. Thank you for all that you do to support G/T students!

    Ms. Hotchkiss   


    GT Spotlight Award: Would you like to nominate someone who you see doing a great job of supporting the needs of gifted and advanced students?

    Click on the following link that will take you to the GT Spotlight Award Nomination Google Form!






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