Dropping AP and/or Pre-AP Courses
Students wishing to drop from their AP or Pre-AP course(s) may pick up the drop form from the Counseling Office starting this Friday, September 6th.
To be considered for a transfer from a Pre-AP or AP course, the student must have made a sincere effort to succeed by attending tutorials, completing assignments and conferencing with the teacher. Student, parent and teacher will all need to sign the drop form.
Submission of the form is not a guarantee, but rather is granted pending space available in the requested class. Additionally, their previous course schedule may be affected.
Grades: Student grades will transfer from the AP or Pre-AP Class to the on-level course
“When a student moves from one level to another level, the actual grade earned in the previous class transfers with him/her to the new class, regardless of the level. The grade will be calculated into the proper grading period (9 weeks and semester). The student assumes all responsibility for the requirements in the course entered.”The forms are due Friday, September 13th by 4:30 to the Counseling Office. No late forms will be accepted.