Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Sanderson
I"m so excited to be here at Johnson HS, but let me introduce myself. I was born and raised in Texas (6th Generation) but I've only been in Hays County for the last 4 years. I graduated from Texas A&M University in 1981 with a degree in Educational Curriculum and Instruction but then moved to Florida! My 4 wonderful children were all born in Texas but raised in Florida in the Orlando area. I taught at Disney World in their YES (Youth Education Series) Program for 3 years - YES Programs are Disney's field trip venue. I had a blast leading field trips at Disney but it reminded me how much I really enjoyed teaching, so in 2001 I started my 13 years in Orange County Public Schools, teaching primarily Chemistry. In 2014 I moved back to Texas to be closer to my family and taught at Canyon Lake HS for 5 years. I moved here to Hays County 7 years ago but was still teaching at Canyon Lake. I was very impressed with this brand new, beautiful high school and the vision of its leadership team. I love teaching AP and Adv Chemistry and I'm so excited to be a part of TEAM HAYS and a JOHNSON JAGUAR!!!