Rita De La Cruz, RN & Christina Fehler, LVN
Rita De La Cruz, RN
Hola Lobo Family,My name is Rita De La Cruz and I am your School Nurse for Lehman High School. I have been in the thrilling profession of Nursing for 9 years and I am looking forward to serving this Campus and the Kyle Community. My previous work experience includes community and public health for the pediatric population.
In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family, listening to music and I have a new-found love for cooking and trying new recipes.
I am honored to be entrusted with this role at LHS and I look forward to being a part of your Students' High School journey. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance to your students' health needs.
- Nurse Rita
Christina Fehler, LVN
My name is Christina Fehler. I am excited to return for my 8th year as the LVN for Lehman High School. I have been a LVN for 12 years, and prior to becoming a school nurse I worked in many areas of nursing including family practice, student health, and public health.
I live in Dripping Springs with my husband and family. We have 3 children and 2 dogs, Daisy and Cash. In my free time, I enjoy attending my children's sporting events, camping, and hanging out with my family.
I look forward to another great year with your children, and educating them on promoting a safe healthy learning environment for all. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
-Nurse Fehler
News from the Nurses
As a reminder, medications should always be checked in with the nurses each school year with a copy of the doctors' order and a signed Medication Authorization Form. Medication Authorization Forms can be accessed from the link on this page or obtained from school nurses/front office. https://www.hayscisd.net/Page/727
If your student has special needs or accommodations for health issues, please contact us.
For tips and resources on fighting fentanyl, visit the Hays CISD district website https://www.hayscisd.net/Page/14567 or the Hays County link for more information https://hayscountytx.com/hays-county-fentanyl-resource-page/ . Here you can find details on warning signs, behaviors, recognizing an overdose emergency and the use of Narcan.
Remember to stay up to date on current recommendations for coronavirus, including hand washing, covering coughs, and remaining home when feeling sick. In an abundance of caution, parents/guardians of students with medical conditions or special needs should proactively check with their doctor for recommendations on how to proceed, in the event that a COVID-19 case should arise in the area involving your child. Further information can be found on the Hays CISD district website at https://www.hayscisd.net/coronavirus and Center for Disease Control at www.cdc.gov.
Stay safe & healthy, Lobos!
~Your LHS Nurses~
Contact Us
Rita De La Cruz, RN
Lehman High School
512-268-8454, EXT. 47606
Fax 512-268-7634
Rita.DeLaCruz@hayscisd.netChristina Fehler, LVN
Lehman High School
512-268-8454, EXT. 47608
Fax 512-268-7634