Special Programs at Hemphill
Hemphill provides the following programs for our students. Please contact the school office if you have questions about our programs.
Hemphill is a Pre-K cluster site and serves students in several other attendance zones. To qualify for Pre-K, students must be eligible by income, language, or have a parent who is actively serving in the military. Pre-K offers engaging curriculum to ensure preparation for Kindergarten. Hays CISD provides a half-day program in either morning or afternoon classes.Art, Music, and Physical Education
These are provided as part of the special class rotation for all students. Students attend P.E. class twice a week plus Art, Music, and STEAM once a week.Bilingual Services
Students with a Home Language other than English may qualify for Bilingual Services. In Hemphill bilingual classrooms, the content is taught in the languages of English and Spanish. Math is taught in English, Social Studies is taught in Spanish, Science is taught in Spanish until 2nd grade, and then students are transitioned to English instruction. Language Arts is taught in both Spanish and English beginning with Kindergarten. The students learn to read first in their native language, and then are taught to read in their second language. The goal of the bilingual program at Hemphill is to create bilingual bi-literate learners.English as a Second Language Services
ESL services are available for students who qualify for assistance with language development and are served in an English classroom with a teacher who holds an additional certification in ESL.Gifted and Talented Services
GT classes are designed to meet the needs of students with high academic ability, task commitment, and creativity. GT students are provided both in-class and out of class activities to differentiate and extend their learning.Reading and Math Intervention
Specialists help students improve reading skills and math skills in small group settings. The students’ progress is monitored regularly and students are returned to their general classroom instructional program once they are demonstrating proficient skills in reading and math.Dyslexia Services
Students with dyslexia are served by a dyslexia specialist with specialized training and expertise. Students learn specific strategies for literacy development.Special Education Services
A variety of services including speech, PALS, inclusion, and resource are available for students who have needs beyond the scope of the general classroom.Technology
Hemphill strives to prepare students for a 21st century technological society. The school provides computer labs with over fifty computers. Additionally, every room on our campus is equipped with computers, a document camera and a projector. Students in Pre-Kindergarden through 1st Grade will be issued iPads and students in 2nd through 5th grade will be issued Chromebooks for daily student use.Library/Media Services
Our libraries strive to provide the school community with a wide range of material that will encourage growth in knowledge, establish a life-long love of reading, and foster information literacy. All students have the privilege of checking out books for school and home use with the understanding that parents are responsible for the cost of damaged and/or lost materials. The library is open for student and parent use from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily.Communities in Schools
The C.I.S. program at Hemphill offers support for students and families. Parents may contact program manager at 268-4144 for more information.
Follow the link to access the CIS webpage.Counseling/Behavior Support
The school counselor provides guidance lessons as well as individual, small group counseling. The behavior specialist provides social skills groups and individual student report for students as needed.