Title VI, Title IX, ADA/Section 504

  • It is the policy of Hays CISD not to discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, color, national origin, sex, marital or veteran status, disability or other legally protected status in its programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. 

    In accordance with Title IX, discrimination on the basis of sex includes discrimination on the basis of biological sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, gender stereotypes, or any other prohibited basis related to sex.

    Inquiries about the application of Title IX may be referred to the district’s Title IX Coordinator(s) (see below), to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department of Education, or both.

    The district has designated and authorized the following employees as the Title IX Coordinator(s) to address concerns or inquiries regarding discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or gender-based harassment:

    Title IX Coordinator for Employees:
    Christina Courson, Chief Human Resources Officer
    21003 IH 35, Kyle Texas 78610
    (512) 268-8975, ext. 46007
    Link to Hays CISD Board Policy DIA

    Title IX Coordinator for Students:
    Dr. Brian Dawson, Director of Student Services
    21003 IH 35, Kyle Texas 78610
    (512) 268-2141, ext. 46083
    Link to Hays CISD Board Policy FFH
    Link to Title IX Formal Complaint Process

    Title VI Coordinator:
    Christina Courson, Chief Human Resources Officer  
    21003 IH 35, Kyle Texas 78610
    (512) 268-8975, ext. 46007

    ADA/Section 504 Coordinator:
    Debbie Brown, Director of Academic Support
    21003 IH 35, Kyle Texas 78610
    (512) 268-2141, ext. 45030

Title IX Training

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