• Breakfast

    What do I need on MyPlate at breakfast for it to be considered a meal?

    At breakfast, 4 components are offered to students daily.  The components consist of grains, protein, fruit/fruit juice, and milk.  Students must select 3 of the 4 components from the breakfast line and one of the items must be 1/2 cup of a fruit

    My plate breakast


  • Lunch

    What do I need on MyPlate at lunch for it to be considered a meal?

    Every day 5 components are offered on the lunch line for students to select from. The 5 components consist of grains, protein, vegetables, fruit, and milk.  A student must select 3 out of the 5 components offered on the lunch line and one of these items must be 1/2 cup of a fruit or vegetable.

    My Plate Lunch