Hays CISD School Board Elections

  • decorative photo of a vote sticker Welcome to the Hays CISD School Board elections main page. This page provides general information about the elections of the members of the Hays CISD Board of Trustees. For information about specific election years, please view the individual page associated with that year by using the "Election by Years" navigation menu below.

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION regarding election signs on Hays CISD property for all elections at which schools and facilities are used as polling locations.   

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION regarding advertising or distribution of non-school material that could be interpreted as political advertising. 

General Election Information

  • General Information About Board Elections

    The Hays CISD Board of Trustees is composed of seven members. Five trustees are elected from single-member-districts and two are elected at-large. Trustees are elected by plurality (not majority) to serve three-year terms. A plurality election means that the winning candidate must receive more votes than any other candidate, but is not required to earn more than 50% of the vote (a majority). There are no run-off elections for Hays CISD school board seats. 

    Upcoming Election Dates

    School Board elections occur every year on the first Saturday in May (the May uniform election date in Texas). Positions that are up for election are staggered on a three, two, two cycle.

    View the Important Dates for the May 4, 2024 Election

    This is a picture of a table that shows the years in which board seats are up for election.

    Requirements for School Board Candidacy

    To participate in School Board elections, you must be a registered voter and meet certain residency requirements. Board Policy BBA (Legal), details the requirements to be a candidate for school board in Hays CISD.  

    Filing Requirements & Deadlines

    Board Policy BBBA (Legal) delineates the rules for filing for candidacy, including the statutory deadlines.

    A candidate application for a place on the ballot must:

    • Be in writing;
    • Be signed and sworn to before a person authorized to administer an oath in this state by the candidate and indicate the date that the candidate swears to the application;
    • Be timely filed with the appropriate authority; and
    • Include all statutorily required information.

    An application for a place on the ballot may not be filed earlier than the 30th day before the date of the filing deadline. An application must be filed not later than 5:00 p.m. of the 78th day before the date of the election for an election to be held on a uniform election date.

    As a convenience for candidates, Hays CISD prepares a candidate information packet with sample filing paperwork in advance of each election. That material is available on the website prior to the opening of the filing period for each election cycle. 

    Joint Elections

    To help reduce the cost of elections for taxpayers and to provide added convenience, Hays CISD conducts its elections jointly with other entities holding elections in May. The district contracts with the office of the Hays County Elections Administrator to help with operating polling locations and to ensure each election is conducted properly.  

Hays CISD Single-Member-District Election Map

  • link to interactive election map

    View the interactive Hays CISD election map to determine in which school board trustee single-member election district you live. The Hays CISD Board of Trustees has seven members, two are elected at-large by the entire school district and five are elected by single-member district. (A static PDF version of the single-member district map is available here.) 

    Hays CISD elections take place in Hays CISD, which has territory in three counties: Hays, Travis, and Caldwell. Specific polling locations, dates, and times depend on the county in which the voter resides. These locations, dates, and times are linked on the election pages for specific election years since they may change annually (see annual menu above and at right). Hays and Travis Counties use vote centers, meaning Hays and Travis County voters may cast ballots for any election in which they are eligible at any vote center in the respective counties during the times the vote centers are operating. Caldwell County will have a specific polling location for early and election day voting.

High School Voter Registration

  • decorative photo about voter registration Did you know that the Texas Election Code (Sec. 13.046) automatically makes high school principals deputy voter registrars? That means high school students and employees can register to vote right at their campus.

    Twice a year, during the year students turn 18, the high schools distribute voter registration cards. This usually occurs during government class since most seniors take this course the year they turn 18. Additionally, voter registration cards are available any time in the high school principal's office. 

    Once the forms are completed, high school students and campus employees can either mail their registration forms or take them in person to the elections administrator in the county in which they live, or they can turn them in to the principal who will ensure delivery to the proper place. 

    You are eligible to register to vote if:

    • You are a United States citizen;
    • You are a resident of the county where you submit the application;
    • You are at least 17 years and 10 months old, and you are 18 years of age on
      Election Day.
    • You are not a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you have completed your sentence, probation, and parole); and
    • You have not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.

    Learn more about registering and voting at: www.votetexas.gov