Wellness At Hays
The goal of Hays CISD is to promote school health policies, procedures, and programs that improve health behaviors. Hays CISD operates from the premise that healthy children are more capable of learning and, thus, are better students. The logical extension is that better students help create healthy communities. Hays CISD emphasizes the connection between recommended health practices, academic achievement, and lifelong healthy behaviors.
Want to learn more about Wellness at Hays?
Emotional Wellness
Nutrition and Wellness
Physcial Activity and Wellness
Wellness Policy and Plan
Hays CISD, upon recommendations from the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC), has developed a Wellness Plan in order to implement FFA LOCAL. This plan supports Nutrition Promotion and Education, Physcial Activity Promotion and Education, as well as School and Staff Wellness. Wellness Report 16-18
Nutrition, Wellness, and Fundraising Guidelines
Below are some details assosicated with the Nutrition Guidelines for Hays CISD. Our goal is to offer healthy, nutritious, yummmy options for our students. Healthy habits are learned early!
Nutrition, Wellness, and Fundraising FAQs
What are Smart Snacks?
Elementary School Physical Activity
In accordance with policies at EHAB, EHAC, EHBG, and FFA, the district will ensure that students in full-day prekindergarten–grade 5 engage in moderate or vigorous physical activity for at least 30 minutes per day or 135 minutes per week.
In addition, each elementary shall provide at least 20 minutes of unstructured recess daily for all elementary students.Middle School Physical Activity
In accordance with policies at EHAB, EHAC, EHBG, and FFA, the district will ensure that students in middle or junior high school will engage in 30 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity per day for at least four semesters OR at least 225 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity within each two-week period for at least four semesters.