Asthma Care at School

  • Students with asthma should submit an annual Asthma Action Plan signed by a licensed healthcare provider and the parent/guardian. Those who require an asthma inhaler at school must submit a also submit a Medication Authorization form to the school nurse in addition to the Asthma Action Plan.

    PLEASE NOTE THAT THE NURSE MUST HAVE THE PRESCRIPTION LABEL. Most often it is easiest to bring the prescription box to school with the inhaler. If you do not have a prescription label take the medication to your pharmacy as they can usually reprint a label for school.Nebulizer treatments are still discouraged at school, however special circumstances will be considered.

    The 77th Texas Legislature enacted House Bill 1688, which amends the Education Code 38.015 to entitle a student with asthma to possess and self-administer prescription asthma medication while on school property or at a school-related event or activity. This is true for students playing sports and for students who wish to keep their inhaler with them during the school day.

Self-Carry Considerations

  • Students may be allowed to self-carry certain medications while on school campus or at a campus related event such as anaphylaxis, diabetes, and asthma medications. The student must demonstrate to the student's physician or other licensed health care provider and the school nursethe skill level necessary to self-administer the prescription medication, including the use of any device required to administer the medication. 

    A student with asthma, anaphylaxis, or diabetes may possess and self-administer prescription medicine while on school property or at a school-related event or activity if the following conditions are met:

    1. the prescription medicine has been prescribed for that student as indicated by the prescription label on the medicine;
    2. the student has demonstrated to the student's physician or other licensed health care provider and the school nursethe skill level necessary to self-administer the prescription medication, including the use of any device required to administer the medication;
    3. the self-administration is done in compliance with the prescription or written instructions from the student's physician or other licensed health care provider; and
    4. a parent of the student provides to the school a written authorization, signed by the parent and licensed health care provider on the Medication Authorization Form, stating
      • that the student has asthma or anaphylaxis and is capable of self-administering the prescription medicine;
      • the name and purpose of the medicine;
      • the prescribed dosage for the medicine;
      • the times at which or circumstances under which the medicine may be administered; and
      • the period for which the medicine is prescribed.
    5. The physician's statement must be kept on file in the office of the school nurse of the school the student attends.

    Please note that a student requiring medication for sports must also register the medication with the school nurse.