Anjelica Hall, RN
Hello Rangers!!!
I'm excited to be back for my 5th year at WMS. I have been a nurse for 14 years with a background in pediatrics. I live in Buda with my husband and we have 3 children. We have 2 dogs, Lexi and Katana, and a bearded dragon named Taz. In my free time I love to read, bake and hang out with loved ones.
I look forward to a wonderful year and thank you for the opportunity to care for your children.
Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns @ nursing is a professional registered nursing specialty that involves identification, assessment, prevention, and intervention to remedy or modify students' health needs. The nurse's goal is to promote the optimum health of students and the students' abilities to achieve their individual educational goals.
Nurses monitor required immunizations, perform mandated health screenings, track communicable diseases, plan for emergencies and provide direct care to students. Please use the links to the left to learn more about the Hays CISD District Health Services.
We would like to assure you that medical information about your child is treated as confidential by the nurses and all school staff. We do not share information about your child with outside parties nor can we discuss health concerns of any other student with you.
News from the Nurse
Attention 6th Grade Ranger Parents/Guardians:
Please be aware of the state-mandated immunization requirements that will impact your rising 7th grade student. Students entering 7th grade are required to receive one dose of the Meningococcal Conjugate vaccine and a Tdap/Td booster to be enrolled in school. Proper documentation of immunizations or a Reason of Conscience form is required to be on file prior to your student receiving their schedule for the 2023/24 school year.Immunization records can be dropped off at the front office or faxed to 512-268-7820.
Medications at School
Medication reminder: Students in middle school are ONLY allowed to self-carry inhalers and epi-pens (with physician approval). Please ensure we have the appropriate authorizations on file for your student to self-carry these medications if needed. All other medications must be kept in the nurse's office.

Contact Me
Anjelica Hall, RN
Wallace Middle School
(512) 268-2891, EXT. 46625