Claudia Reyes, RN
School nursing is a professional registered nursing specialty that involves identification, assessment, prevention, and intervention to remedy or modify students' health needs. The nurse's goal is to promote the optimum health of students and the students' abilities to achieve their individual educational goals.
Nurses monitor required immunizations, perform mandated health screenings, track communicable diseases, plan for emergencies and provide direct care to students. Please use the links to the left to learn more about the Hays CISD District Health Services.
We would like to assure you that medical information about your child is treated as confidential by the nurses and all school staff. We do not share information about your child with outside parties nor can we discuss health concerns of any other student with you.I have made a career of school nursing. Many of the students who come to Impact were my students at the elementary schools where I worked. I embrace the challenge of helping these students get back on track both with their physical health and emotional health. You can't have one without the other.
Claudia Reyes RN
News from the Nurse
Flu season is impacting our community as a whole. If your child has fever he or she must stay out of school until fever free for 24 hours WITHOUT fever reducing medications (such as tylenol or motrin (ibuprophen). We encourage students, parents, and staff to get the flu shot. Flu shots can be received at most local pharmacies or at your primary care office.
If your child does not have insurance, Live Oak Health Partners in San Marcos can provide vaccinations, including flu vaccination, at little to no cost. The district Immunizations page has information regarding immunization resources (click here for more information).