Hello Hays High School Family!
Welcome to our Parent-Teacher-Student-Association (PTSA) website! As the new school year begins, we are excited to begin the year with your support. We thank all those parents who attended our first PTSA membership meeting. We had a great guest speaker give a presentation on how parents can monitor their student’s social media use. We will have another guest speaker talk to parents and students about College Readiness. Please come and join us at our next membership meeting!
Support our teachers, Support our students, Support our school
Become a member. Your membership gives you a voice to vote and helps support the educational goals of the school’s teachers & administrators.If you are interested in joining, please visit joinpta.org or print the membership application on the sidebar. You can drop them off with payment in the main office at Hays High school.
Principal: Tina Salazar email or (512) 268-2911New PTSA Officers for 2022-2023
PTSA officers
Stephi Motal
Vice President
Barbara Moser
Leslea Pickle
Anastasia Lail
Membership Chair
Patricia Passno