Welcome to Kinder Town!
We will use digital drawing tools to create a whole town by working together.
1. Draw one part of the town.
2. Explore the towns that Kinder has created.
Kinder TEKS
K.4 The student understand the concept of location.
K.4A Use terms, including over, under, near, far, left, and right, to describe relative location.
K.5 The studen udnerstands physical and human characteristics of a place.
K.15B Create and interpret visuals, including pictures and maps.
Technology Application TEKS (Grades K-2)
1.A Creativity: Apply prior knowldege to develop new ideas, product and processes.
1.B Creativity: Create original products using a variety of resources.
1.C Creativity: Explore virtual environements...
2.A Communication and Collaboration: Use tools that allow for collaboration with peers.