Student Transfers

  • The window to request a student transfer is OPEN. student transfer icon  

    The window to request student transfers for 2025-2026 is: January 6, 2025 (8:00 am) - January 31, 2025 (4:30 pm).

    *PLEASE NOTE: Out-of-district (interdistrict) transfers are not permitted.

    (ALL transfers must be submitted electronically. Transfer space is granted in the order in which requests are received. Parents will be notified if the district was able to accommodate their transfer requests in March 2025.)

    • Transferring a child from his or her home campus to another is a serious consideration.
    • Transfers are granted to individual students, meaning siblings may not all receive a transfer to the same campus.
    • There is a risk that transfers may be revoked (even through no fault of your own) before a child completes all grades at a campus.
    • There is also a risk that the student’s eligibility to participate in sports or other UIL activities will be adversely affected.
    • Specific information regarding UIL eligibility can be found on the UIL website at or by contacting the program director or coach.

    Please carefully read all of the information on this page if you are considering a student transfer request.

    Terms & Conditions of Approved Transfers
    If the transfer request is approved, the student is expected to comply with terms and conditions. A transfer may be revoked if the student and parent/guardian do not comply with all of the terms and conditions as outlined below. A transfer may also be revoked because of other factors that may include, but not be limited to an adverse impact on total enrollment, facility limitations, attendance zones, and other unforeseen factors.

    A transferred student shall be responsible for:

    1. Complying with the policies and rules in the Hays CISD Student Code of Conduct and the school rules of the receiving campus and shall be subject to disciplinary consequences as established in the Hays CISD Student Code of Conduct. Repeated or serious violations may be cause for revocation of a transfer.
    2. Maintaining attendance (attendance and tardies) as required by law. The school shall take action against the parent and/or the student in accordance with compulsory attendance laws. Unsatisfactory attendance may be cause for revocation of a transfer. 

Currently Enrolled

  • currently enrolled

    If your student is currently enrolled at Hays CISD, click the image above to log into PSS to request a student transfer.  Once logged into PSS, click on your student's name, locate the HAYS FORMS tab, click on the Student Transfers Form link to submit a request.

New to District

  • New-to-district student

    If your student is non-enrolled & new to Hays CISD, click the image above to request a student transfer. 

2025-2026 Transfer Request Period

  • The window to request student transfers for 2025-2026 is: January 6, 2025 (8:00 am) - January 31, 2025 (4:30 pm).

    *PLEASE NOTE: Out-of-district (interdistrict) transfers are not permitted.

    (ALL transfers must be submitted electronically. Transfer space is granted in the order in which requests are received. Parents will be notified if the district was able to accommodate their transfer requests in March 2025.)

Important General Student Transfer Information

  • Hays CISD Schools are Equally Outstanding 

    Hays CISD is fortunate to have 27 campuses where students experience equally robust academic, extra-curricular, and school-family experiences. A key strength of the district is its commitment to the neighborhood school concept. Students experience their formative years with friends who live close by and at campuses that share identical core programming and resources across the district – the most important of which is the exceptional teaching staff and campus administration. 

    Students are Guaranteed a Home Campus Education

    Every student in Texas as a right to a free public education based on the home campus assigned to his or her address. Except for a few, rare situations outlined in the Texas Education Code, transfers are considered a privilege and not a right. In fact, most school districts are not able to accommodate student transfers for anyone.

    Available Student Transfer Slots Fill Up Quickly 

    Hays CISD understands that sometimes a school transfer may be necessary or desired by families for a variety of reasons. For now, the district is still able to accommodate a limited number of transfers at some of its campuses. Because of class size requirements, and in some cases physical space at a campus, there are a set number of transfer seats available at campuses that have room.


    As a reminder, when your child completes 5th grade, they will be assigned to their zoned middle school campus. Your student will not continue on with their same peer group unless the campus you selected feeds into your same zoned middle school.

    Please consider this factor when making your decision.

    Schools Open for Transfers for 2024-2025
    (Note: Limited availability depending on grade level)

    The window to request student transfers for 2025-2026 is January 6 - January 31, 2025. 

    • Elementary Schools open: Buda ES, Carpenter Hill ES, Cullen ES, Elm Grove ES, Ramage ES

    • Middle Schools open: *Middle Schools are not open for general transfers.

    • High Schools: *High Schools are not open for general transfers.
      Students who complete their junior year at a high school and wish to remain at the same high school for their senior year after moving to another attendance zone within Hays CISD may request continued enrollment by contacting the campus registrar.

    (ALL transfers must be submitted electronically. Transfer space is granted in the order in which requests are received. Parents will be notified if the district was able to accommodate their transfer requests in March 2025.

    The window to request a GENERAL student transfer for 2025-2026 is: January 6, 2025 (8:00 am) - January 31, 2025 (4:30 pm). 

    *PLEASE NOTE: Out-of-district (interdistrict) transfers are not permitted. 

    Understanding the Transfer Process

    Transfer applications are only accepted between the first business day in January to the last business day in January. The earlier you submit your application, the better chance you have of receiving a new transfer because the available slots fill up quickly.  

    Students who have an approved transfer to a campus will automatically be granted a transfer for next year to the next grade level at that campus unless:

    1. The student lives or moves outside of the boundaries of the Hays CISD school district.
    2. The student is changing schools, including going from elementary to middle school, or
    3. The student has had his or her transfer revoked for disciplinary or attendance problems.

    If any of the reasons above occur, parents would need to fill out a new transfer request form.

    There is a provision that allows the district to suspend automatic transfers if a campus exceeds its capacity.

    Please note that Pre-K enrollment and campus assignments occur later in the school year and are not part of the general student transfer process. Students currently on a Pre-K transfer for the current school year (2024-2025) will be reassigned back to their home campus for Kindergarten unless they apply for a transfer to a campus other than their home campus, and the request is approved. 

    All parents will be notified if the district is able to accommodate their transfer requests in March 2025.

    How Transfers Work at Hays CISD  

    Employees with children in the district must apply electronically. Employees must use the online application found in Parent Self-Service Portal (PSS).

    Community members/parents must use the online system to request a new transfer for a student.
      Online submission of transfer request forms are accepted beginning the first business day in January and ending the last business day in January.

    Unless a campus is closed because of capacity, the district accepts requests for elementary schools within a student’s home campus high school feeder pattern. Board policy prohibits high school transfers except in certain circumstances resulting from attendance zone adjustments to accommodate the opening of a new high school.  Additional approvals are granted for certain high school programs not offered at the student’s zoned high school campus. Students must meet prerequisites to be considered for a high school program approval.

    Important Things to Consider Before Deciding if a Transfer is Right for You

    1. Transportation is not provided for transfer students.
    2. Transfers will affect a student’s UIL participation eligibility.
    3. The most common reason a transfer request cannot be accommodated is because the campus or requested grade-level is full.
    4. Transfers are considered separately for each child, so in some cases a transfer may be approved for one sibling, but not for another.
    5. Transfers can be denied or revoked if the child does not follow all district rules and policies or the student does not have or maintain acceptable attendance or disciplinary records.

    Who Doesn’t Need a General Transfer?

    • Students who move during the school year from one Hays CISD attendance zone to another (Intradistrict Transfer): The students may request to complete the school year at their current campus by completing a continued enrollment form available at the campus. An application for a transfer will be necessary if the student wishes to remain at the current campus beyond the completion of the current school year.
    • Students who move outside of the Hays CISD school district boundary during a semester (Interdistrict Transfer): The students may request to complete the current semester only by completing a continued enrollment form available at the campus if they move outside of the district boundaries.
    • New Home Construction Contract: Direct campus enrollment. Campus will need a copy of the construction contract showing a closing date within the same semester the student wishes to enroll. Student may attend the campus assigned to the address of the new home.
    • In-District Grandparent After-School Care for Out-of-District Residents: Direct campus enrollment if applicable. 
    • Pre-K Enrollment and Campus Placement: Consult with district Pre-K office for admission and campus placement requirements and decisions.
    • School Safety: This process is for victims of violent crime as defined in the Texas Education Code. Consult with the principal or the Office of Student Services.

    • Bullying Transfer: Campus administration will investigate bullying allegations and provide guidance regarding transfers for victims of bullying. State law now allows the student documented to have participated in bullying behavior to be transferred if determined by the district to be necessary.
    • In-District Minor Living Apart for Out-of-District Residents: Direct campus enrollment.
    • Transfer Under No Child Left Behind: Request is made through the home campus principal during the AYP transfer window, if applicable. The AYP transfer process (if applicable) is separate from the district’s open transfer request period. Parents of students who are eligible will receive notification. 
    • Public Education Grant Students: Consult the district’s deputy academic officers and policy FDAA (Legal).
    • Deployed Military Dependents: Direct campus enrollment. Policy FDD (Legal).
    • McKinney-Vento Act Homeless Students: Consult with the campus counselor or the district’s director of federal programs.

    Contact the Office of Student Services

    Please contact the Office of Student Services with questions about student transfers: or 512-268-2141 Ext. 46048

    State and federal law, Hays CISD School Board policies, and Hays CISD administrative procedures govern the types of transfer requests and enrollment options that are allowed or restricted, as well as the official rules and requirements of each. The information provided on this page is for convenience and does not prevail if a conflict exists between it and the applicable laws, policies, and procedures. 

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