Planning for Bad Weather
In the event of inclement weather, the district is prepared if the need should arise for a delayed start, a closure, or early dismissal of schools. There are a number of factors considered when making a decision that impacts normal school operations:
- student and staff safety,
- parents' need to make arrangements,
- district resources to support operations (such as electricity, heat, etc.),
- and the ability for transportation to access district roads and safely transport students.
Making an Informed Decision
In order to make the best possible decision, the district looks to a number of sources for critical information. These may include:
- regular consultations with county and regional emergency management teams,
- reports by meteorologists at the National Weather Service (via National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration--NOAA) and other local meteorologists on anticipated weather events, including the predicted timing and amount of rain, sleet, or snow impacting the district and surrounding counties for students, their families, and staff, many of whom commute far distances,
- road condition reports by district transportation staff who personally inspect the roads as early as 3 a.m. to determine accessibility, and
- updates on the condition of school facilities by district maintenance & operations staff.
While a team of district staff works to monitor and collect all of this information, the person ultimately responsible for the decision is the superintendent.

Inclement Weather Communication will occur using:
- Hays CISD Web Alert
- Hays CISD Social Media
- Parent Phone System*
- Parent Email System
- Staff Email System
- Hays CISD App
- Local News Media
*The district will only call parents if there is a change to the normal schedule.
View Stay Connected for a complete list of communication channels.
Click here to view current weather conditions.
Delayed School Start
(Decision made by Superintendent no later than 5:00 a.m.; Communicated to stakeholders by 5:30 a.m.)A decision for delayed start has a significant impact on a large number of students throughout the district. All special education programming scheduled for less than four hours is canceled.Certainly, when safety is jeopardized, the district will not hesitate to make the change, but we try to collect as much information as possible to make the best possible decision. State education funding and the state assessment schedule are not factors in any weather decision. There have been changes to the way school days are counted now, but please know it is possible that students might have to make up inclement weather days, and will have to make up state exams. The school calendar and the state testing schedule include pre-selected inclement weather makeup days.
- There will be a minimum two hour delay for all school operations. (For example, if your bus normally picks you up at 6:44 a.m., plan to be ready for pickup at 8:44 a.m.. If the school bell begins at 7:40 a.m., then be prepared to arrive at school by 9:40 a.m.). Schools will dismiss at normal times.
- All morning activities are canceled.
- Please visit the Bus Information Hotline on our website for road closures affecting district bus routes.
- If weather and road conditions prevent safe travel, please do not jeopardize your safety.
School Closure
(Decision made by Superintendent no later than 5:00 a.m.; Communicated to stakeholders by 5:30 a.m.)
- The school district is closed
- All activities are canceled unless otherwise communicated to participants
- Please monitor the district website, Facebook, Twitter, and the local news for updates regarding plans for the next school day. In the event it is necessary to continue a closure or implement a delayed start for the following day, you will receive a call and an email by early morning.
Early Dismissal
(Decision made by Superintendent no later than 11:00 a.m.; Communicated to stakeholders by 11:30 a.m.)
- High school students will be dismissed first (at 12:30 p.m.) to be available to care for younger siblings. Middle school students will follow with dismissal at 1:30 p.m. Walkers may walk, weather permitting. Students may stay on campus to be picked up by parents if necessary.
- Elementary students will dismiss at normal times. This will keep our youngest students safe until parents can get home in time to receive their children riding the bus or to pick them up from school to ensure their safety during inclement weather.
- All afternoon activities are canceled.
- Stay tuned to the district website, Facebook, Twitter, and the news for possible changes for the next school day.