Join the Transportation Team - Informational Sessions

  • Drive for Hays CISD!  You can earn extra cash, work flexible hours and be reimbursed for training cost.

    Hays CISD Human Resource and Transportation departments held two informational sessions on October 27 and 28, 2021 regarding opportunities to drive for Hays CISD.  The brief Google Slides presentation is located HERE.  If you are interested in driving for Hays CISD, please complete this GOOGLE FORM.


  • Click on the TalentedEd logo
    to view & apply for jobs in Hays CISD:
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    The Hays CISD Transportation Department is dedicated to providing the best training possible to prepare our drivers for serving the students of our community. Our department conducts regular safety meetings for all of our new and experienced drivers. Our administration provides continuous, year-round in-service training for our 250+ drivers, monitors, and personnel.
    Prior to employment drivers must pass:
    • Criminal Back Ground Check (Fingerprinting)
    • DOT Physical & Drug Test
    • Motor Vehicle Record Check 
    Driver Qualification Training
    Applicant drivers begin with completion of a DOT Commercial Driver's License (CDL). Each driver must first complete the 5 part Texas CDL written test at the DPS office. Driver training begins with department orientation and Driving Skills, taught by an experienced District Transportation Lead Driver. This training prepares the driver for the on-the-road skills test conducted by a Texas Department of Public Safety evaluator.  All drivers must complete the School Bus Certification Course  (20 hours) required by the Texas Department of Public Safety. 
    Bus Monitor Training
    Bus Monitors are used on our Special Needs Routes to assist the driver in loading, unloading, and with supervision of students during transit. Monitors are required to receive training with a Special Needs Lead Driver. Bus Monitors work closely with the Special Needs students during the route.