• ClassLink     TypingClub    ABCmouse     Code Studio     

    Explore with Google Maps!

    We will exlpore the "real" world with "virtual" tools.

    Carpenter Hill Elementary
    Google Streetview          CHES map    

    The WHITE House
     white house

    Grand Canyon River Rafting
    Grand Canyon

    Google Earth




    Earth Day Field Trip!

    Going Places Online


    San Diego Zoozoocam

    NEW!    Instead of "closing the tab" use the BACK Button to go back to the list of animals.



     Earth Day!


    Let's Recycle!




    Food Chain Game

    Earth Day Turn Puzzle


    Alphabet Keyboard
    We will practice using the keyboard.
    We will manage tabs using the computer mouse.
    I will show that I understand what I hear by following directions. 

    keyboard zoo             animal who           Sound Burst



    We will recognize, sort, and build with shapes.





    shape match        chicken blast off

    shapes star fall      shape puzzle





    Mouse Skills 

    We will practice moving and clicking a computer mouse to make art and play games.
    I will follow directions.

    Door 1               Door 2              Door 3


    A Different Way of Seeing 

    spinner pics           Mirror




           Reveal               Connect4                Santa


     rainbowpaint    bubblepop    sand


    We will practice dragging objects with a computer mouse, scrolling, and opening and closing tabs on the Internet.
    I will use the correct words when talking about technology. 

     color sort      Fuzz Bugs



    We will navigate to the teacher's web page all by ourselves and practice mouse skills.
    I will use the correct words when talking about technology. 

    Song Maker      Sun Defense


    We will learn to maximize and move the game window.
    I will use the correct words when talking about technology. 

    alphabet pop


    We will ignore distractions on the internet.
    We will practice clicking moving targets.
    I will read carefully to find my score.

    Click Speed   


    Brush Ninja

    Brush Ninja








    Earth Day

    We will sort and group objects based on properties using technology.
    I will look carefully for details.

    Earth Day Story     Reduce Reuse Recycle     Recycle Roundup      Bug Bash

    Counting Games


    caterpillar count         counting fish       birthday candle count      count how many
    (type number as answer)  
    NumLock, Enter, Cursor

    learn to write numbers
    (trace numbers)


    Create Movies with ABCya Animate!
    Practice Drawing - Tools, Insert, Resize, Undo, Frame Rate
    abcya animate    
     Marek       Marek        Marek        Marek        
    Davis                 Grumbles                   Marek                  Miller          

    Code Lab

    Code Lab      Code Boogie


    Holiday Fun

       barbershop      elfmaker      santa search      Santas Canvas      Present Drop




    Technology Applications TEKS
    We will use a computer mouse.
    6 Technology Operations & Concepts - The student demonstrates knowledge and appropriate use of technology systems, concepts, and operations.
    A. use appropriate terminology...mouse, click, pointer, drag, tabs, close
    D. use a variety of input...devices.

    English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
    2I Listening - I will show that I understand what I hear by following directions and retelling what someone has told me.