
    Winter Fun!


    Mouse Skills 

    We will practice moving and clicking a computer mouse to make art and play games.
    I will follow directions.

     rainbowpaint    bubblepop    sand


    We will practice dragging objects with a computer mouse, scrolling, and opening and closing tabs on the Internet.
    I will use the correct words when talking about technology. 

     color sort      Fuzz Bugs



    We will navigate to the teacher's web page all by ourselves and practice mouse skills.
    I will use the correct words when talking about technology. 

    Song Maker      Sun Defense


    We will learn to maximize and move the game window.
    I will use the correct words when talking about technology. 

    alphabet pop


    We will ignore distractions on the internet.
    We will practice clicking moving targets.
    I will read carefully to find my score.

    Click Speed