Campus Leadership Team (CLT)
The Campus Leadership Team (CLT) shall be established on each campus to serve in an advisory role to the principal in the planning, operation, supervision, and evaluation of the campus educational program. The CLT serves exclusively in an advisory role in decisions in the areas of planning, budgeting, curriculum, staffing patterns, and school organization except that each committee shall approve staff development of a campus nature.
Principals are encouraged to have an ad-hoc committee develop the campus improvement plan which is then reviewed, revised, and approved by the campus leadership team. The campus improvement plan is the guide to improving student performance for all student populations with respect to the academic excellence indicators and any other appropriate performance measures for special needs populations.
CLT members should consist of representatives from the teachers, support staff, parents, community, and businesses. Two-thirds of the members are required to be classroom teachers and at least one parent, community member, and business representative are to be included. The principal should also be on the committee, but is encouraged to select a chairperson to facilitate the meetings or have the committee elect a chair. Staff positions may be designated by grade level, department, team, or whatever unit the campus decides. The principal will establish the nomination process for staff positions and parent/community/business positions may be filled by appointment by the principal. Members from these different groups may volunteer to serve.
Below are guidelines that will assist CLTs in leading productive meetings:
Agendas should address school-wide issues.
Written requests for agenda items should be submitted to the CLT at least five days prior to the meeting.
The facilitator and principal will draft the agenda together.
Minutes will be kept and sent to all staff and CLT members by email, or print, and posted on the district website.
Members are encouraged to send a substitute for the group they represent if they are unable to attend a meeting.
Meetings will be held a minimum of four times per year.
DLT minutes will be shared and reviewed.
Quarterly budget updates, curriculum, AEIS data, program reviews, and effective teaching practices shall be items discussed in CLT meetings, but not necessarily on every agenda.
CLT Members
Aaron Loyd - Principal
Cody Mize - Assistant Principal
Ginger Trevino - Assistant Principal
Yvonne Schneider - Instructional Coach
Christina Taddeo Zeefe - Math Dept Chair
Megan O'Neal - Science Dept Chair
Chad DeBord - ELAR Dept Chair
Kathryn Legh-Page - Social Studies Dept Chair
Jill Cossette - Electives Dept Chair
Jennifer Mallow - Classroom Teacher
Daisy Santos - Classroom Teacher
Barbara Holland - Library Media Specialist
Viktoria Rask - Counselor
Adela Trevino - Paraprofessional/Office Staff
Nicole Cardiel - Paraprofessional/Library Staff
Melissa Corona - District-Level Professional
Students - (not yet determined)
Eric Rodriguez - Parent
Rob Dahse - Business Representative
Pastor Rudy - Community Representative*Department Chair teachers meet weekly with the Principal in addition to regular CLT meetings.