Item List for the Bond
Beginning in August 2021, the FBOC held a series of meetings to discuss the need for a future bond election. The discussions began with a presentation of the district’s demographic projections and future bonding capacity. At the FBOC meeting on December 1, 2021, the group reached consensus on proposing a May 2022 bond to address continued rapid growth in Hays CISD. On January 31, 2022, the Board of Trustees, following two public forums and additional discussion, called for a May 7, 2022, bond election. The single-proposition bond election will include:
Cost Estimate:
This campus would be located to take immediate growth pressure off of Negley Elementary School. It would accommodate 900 students.
This item would fund the design fees and pre-construction planning for the district’s 17th elementary school so that the project is shovel ready should voters approve its construction in a future bond imitative.
This project would move administration personnel to one location to provide support for students, teachers, parents, employees, and the community. It would also free needed space at Live Oak Academy to allow for physical expansion of the campus and more student capacity.
This project was approved by voters in May 2021, with the intent to convert the district’s current Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) Department office areas on the campus into classroom space (approximately 26,500 square feet). To proceed with this project (which requires relocation of the C&I Department), the district intends to move the C&I Department to the proposed Academic Support Center.
Bond Funds Approved by Voters in May 2021
This project would authorize the district to purchase 55 new school buses – 20 to expand the size of the current fleet to accommodate growth in district population and 35 to replace aging school buses that are slated for retirement from service.
Total Bond Package
The development process for this bond was conducted by the FBOC. All supplemental information and meeting materials are available for you to view on the FBOC webpage in the meeting archives at the bottom of the page.
Bond Information Sheet
Click on the image above to download or view the detailed Hays CISD 2022 Bond Information Sheet details. (En Español)Historical Tax Rate Information
Click on the image above to download the district's recent historical tax rate chart in English and Spanish.
Elementary 10-Year Student Growth Projection
Click on the chart above to view the entire 2021, 4th Quarter Hays CISD demographic report. (En Español)