• In May 2021, Hays CISD voters approved a bond measure that included the construction of the district's 15th elementary school. When it opens in August 2022, it will need an attendance zone. On August 23, 2021, the Hays CISD Board voted to empanel an Attendance Boundary Rezoning Committee comprised of seven citizens to advise and assist the Board in the process of creating an attendance zone for the new school.

Committee Recommendation


    link to PDF of map and supporting data


    On November 2, 2021, the committee voted 11 out of 11 members in attendance to recommend Map Plan C for the Board’s consideration, along with the caveats that: (1) affected students entering 5th grade be grandfathered an allowed to stay at their current schools should they choose to do so and (2) remaining affected students be given first priority for transfers to remain at their existing campuses if they do not wish to attend school at their new campus. The second public forum was held embedded in the Board meeting on November 15, 2021.

    The committee developed Map C Plan to address member considerations that differentiate Map C from the policy-required starter maps presented by administration (Maps A & B). Map C succeeds by: • Limiting the number of students that have to be moved • Allowing additional space at Elementary #15 for potential growth faster than expected • Allowing Elementary #15 (as a new prototype school floor plan) to open with a smaller population to work out the best building movement and traffic patterns, and troubleshoot any other issues that may arise prior to it hosting a full student body • Arresting the projected population explosion at both Tom Green and Camino Real Elementary Schools.

Draft & Working Maps


Committee & Process Schedule

  • The second Public Forum regarding proposed attendance zones has been set for Monday, November 15, 2021, at 6:30 p.m., in the School Board Meeting Room (Kunkel Room at Historic Buda School) 

    Click on the Image for a Downloadable PDF version of the schedule:
    link to PDF with information
    Note that this timeline and process schedule is subject to change based on the needs or wishes of the committee or Board of Trustees.

Meeting Materials & Archives

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  • December 13, 2021 School Board Meeting

    Posted by Tim Savoy on 12/14/2021

    The Board voted unanimously to adopt the committee recommended map, along with the caveats that: (1) affected students entering 5th grade be grandfathered an allowed to stay at their current schools should they choose to do so and (2) remaining affected students be given first priority for transfers to remain at their existing campuses if they do not wish to attend school at their new campus.  

    VIEW MAP PLAN C with DATA (committee recommended map)

    Comments (-1)
  • November 15, 2021 Public Forum #2 & School Board Meeting

    Posted by Tim Savoy on 11/4/2021
    Comments (-1)
  • November 9, 2021 Alternate Committee Meeting

    Posted by Tim Savoy on 11/3/2021

    This meeting was cancelled because it was not needed. The committee voted to make a recommendation during its November 2, 2021 meeting. 

    Comments (-1)
  • November 2, 2021, 5:00pm to 6:30pm: Committee Meeting

    Posted by Tim Savoy on 10/29/2021

    Process Schedule, Agendas, and Meeting Links

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 862 3406 3614

    Committee meetings are open for public viewing; however, the committee will not take public comment during the meetings. Public comment may be submitted using the comment button on this webpage.

    At this meeting: 

    The committee voted 11 out of 11 members in attendance to recommend Map Plan C for the Board’s consideration, along with the caveats that: (1) affected students entering 5th grade be grandfathered an allowed to stay at their current schools should they choose to do so and (2) remaining affected students be given first priority for transfers to remain at their existing campuses if they do not wish to attend school at their new campus. The second public forum was held embedded in the Board meeting on November 15, 2021.

    The committee developed Map C Plan to address member considerations that differentiate Map C from the policy-required starter maps presented by administration (Maps A & B). Map C succeeds by: • Limiting the number of students that have to be moved • Allowing additional space at Elementary #15 for potential growth faster than expected • Allowing Elementary #15 (as a new prototype school floor plan) to open with a smaller population to work out the best building movement and traffic patterns, and troubleshoot any other issues that may arise prior to it hosting a full student body • Arresting the projected population explosion at both Tom Green and Camino Real Elementary Schools.

    Comments (-1)
  • October 28, 2021, 5:30pm: Public Forum

    Posted by Tim Savoy on 10/28/2021

    This public forum regarding the progress of the committee is in-person at the Tom Green Elementary School Cafeteria.

    Attendees are provided printed copies of Plans A, B, & C, as well as the detailed process schedule, a 10-year population projection chart (without adding Elementary 15), and a chart highlight rezoning policy and Map C considerations

    Comments (-1)
  • October 26, 2021, 5:00pm to 6:30pm: Committee Meeting

    Posted by Tim Savoy on 10/22/2021

    Process Schedule, Agendas, and Meeting Links

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 835 7288 3112

    Committee meetings are open for public viewing; however, the committee will not take public comment during the meetings. Public comment may be submitted using the comment button on this webpage.

    The committee developed Map C Plan at this meeting to address:

    • Limiting the number of students that have to be moved
    • Allowing additional space at Elementary #15 for potential growth faster than expected
    • Allowing Elementary #15 (as a new prototype school floor plan) to open with a smaller population to work out the best building movement and traffic patterns, and troubleshoot any other issues that may arise prior to it hosting a full student body
    Comments (-1)
  • October 25, 2021 Email to TGES and CRES Parents & Staff

    Posted by Tim Savoy on 10/21/2021

    Dear Tom Green and Camino Real Elementary School Families,

    The Hays CISD Elementary School Attendance Boundary Committee is working on an attendance zone for the new school under construction in the Sunfield subdivision. The school will open in August 2022, and the new map will take effect at that time. Currently, the draft maps under consideration could affect one or both of the current Tom Green and Camino Real attendance zones.

    This Thursday, the committee will hold a public forum about the proposed maps. It will be at 5:30 p.m. in the Tom Green Elementary School Cafeteria. If you are interested in this process or would like to speak at the forum, please plan to join us. Also, you can view the maps, follow the process, or leave comments for the committee online at: www.hayscisd.net/rezone.

    Tim Savoy
    Chief Communication Officer

    Comments (-1)
  • October 19, 2021, 5:00pm to 6:30pm: Committee Orientation Meeting

    Posted by Tim Savoy on 10/18/2021

    Process Schedule, Agendas, and Meeting Links

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    Meeting ID: 839 8450 4238

    Committee meetings are open for public viewing; however, the committee will not take public comment during the meetings. Public comment may be submitted using the comment button on this webpage.

    Comments (-1)
  • October 14, 2021: Preliminary Data

    Posted by Tim Savoy on 10/14/2021

    Board policy requires the committee be provided two draft starting-point maps. They are:

    Draft PLAN A

    Draft PLAN B

    Comments (-1)
  • August 23, 2021 Board Meeting

    Posted by Tim Savoy on 8/23/2021
    Comments (-1)