Explore with Google Maps!
We will exlpore the "real" world with "virtual" tools.The WHITE House The Washington Monument
Earth Day Field Trip!
Going Places Online
San Diego Zoo
Alphabet Keyboard
We will practice using the keyboard.
We will manage tabs using the computer mouse.
I will show that I understand what I hear by following directions.SHAPES
We will recognize, sort, and build with shapes.
Mouse Skills
We will practice moving and clicking a computer mouse to make art and play games.
I will follow directions.A Different Way of Seeing
Click the to move on to the next puzzle.
Technology Applications TEKS
We will use a computer mouse.
6 Technology Operations & Concepts - The student demonstrates knowledge and appropriate use of technology systems, concepts, and operations.
A. use appropriate terminology...mouse, click, pointer, drag, tabs, close
D. use a variety of input...devices.English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
2I Listening - I will show that I understand what I hear by following directions and retelling what someone has told me.