Ashley Armstrong, RN
Hello Explorers! I'm excited to be returning for my 4th year here at Tobias! For those who are new, I have over 15 years of experience as a pediatric nurse and I began working as a school nurse with Hays CISD in 2013.
Illness and Injuries Please email me or fill out my Student/Staff Anonymous Tobias Illness/injury Questionnaire if your child is out for fever, vomiting, or diarrhea; has a positive Flu, Covid, or other contagious illness; has an injury that will require they modify their activities (PE, recess, or classwork); or if they required surgery. For activity modifications longer than 3 days we do need a doctor's note.
Medications must be kept in the nurse office. Any medications at school need parent and physician authorization, must be unexpired, and must come with their original prescription label. We must have all documentation from parent and physician before medication is able to be left or administered by the nurse. Please do not send medications in student's pockets or belongings for them to take later.
- Medication Authorization English
- Medication Authorization Spanish
- Asthma Action Plan
- Food Allergy Action Plan
- Non-Food Allergy Action Plan
- Seizure Action Plan
New Students Parents please reach out to me if you child has asthma, allergies that are severe, bleeding disorders, seizures, needs medication during school hours, or any other condition that will impact their school day. This is so we can help them have the best experience and care while at school.
Health screenings are required by Texas state law. Each year we have school wide vision and hearing screens for PreK, Kinder, 1st, 3rd, 5th. We also screen for Acanthosis Nigricans in 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade. Click the following for more info >> Texas State Health and Human Services State Laws on Screenings in Public Schools
If you need help please reach out to myself and our counselor. We have many resources to help in many different ways!
News from the Nurse
November 21 - 5th grade girls Scoliosis screens at 12:30
November 22 - 4th and 5th grade Maturation talks. Girls and boys watch videos separately. 4th grade boys have an alternate activity.
**Next few weeks, be on the lookout for a yellow envelope for referrals related to hearing, vision, and positive AN lines or high BP.
What ails the school? Short answer ... A LOT. We have several of our first Flu’s confirmed, a handful of strep, Hand Foot and Mouth (HFM), and whooping cough. For high fever 102+ or fever that persists for 2 days, please take your child to see a doctor. High persistent fever can be Flu or Strep. Flu can last 7 days if not vaccinated or if you don’t take Tamiflu. Tamiflu needs to be started in the first 48 hours of symptoms. Strep needs antibiotics, without these the person is contagious 2-3 weeks and is at HIGH risk for complications of rheumatic fever and potential permanent damage to the heart. There is still time for a flu vaccine. It takes 2 weeks to build immunity, but Flu season is just beginning and doesn’t end until March.
What to do when your kiddo is sick? Keep the kid’s home for temp 100 or higher, vomiting, or diarrhea.They may return once 24 hours free of symptoms without medication (ex Tylenol, Motrin, Imodium, Pepto, Zofran…). 24 hour count begins 6-8 hours after the medicine has worn off
Please email the nurse at if your child is diagnosed with Flu, Covid, or other illnesses

Contact Me
Ashley Armstrong, RN
Tobias Elementary School
(512) 268-8437 EXT. 47404 or
Information for parents Información para los padres
Student/Staff Anonymous Tobias Illness/injury Questionnaire