Friendly Reminders
We're glad you are part of our school!
- Call the office by 1:00 pm if your child will have a change in how they will get home.
- If your child is absent, please send a note as soon as possible.
- Free breakfast for ALL students is served every morning in the cafeteria.
- Join PTA and get involved. We need to hear your voice!
- Follow the school dress code. If you have any questions, please contact our school or refer to the CRES Parent/Student Handbook.
- Bring your ID when you visit the school. All visitors must sign-in the office.
- If you have not completed the Lunch Application, please do so to avoid cafeteria charges. Click on this link or contact (512) 268-1336 if you have any questions.
- Parent parking is in the front of school.
- Please bring your child to school on time. School begins at 7:40 am.